This works for me.
My model:
class BannerPosition(models.Model):
        position = models.SmallIntegerField()
        banner = models.ForeignKey(BannerItem)
        class Meta:
                ordering = ('position', 'banner')
        def __str__(self):
                return '%s - %s' % (, self.position)
        class Admin:

which is sorted via Class Meta.
than my view:

import random

def banner(request, object_id):
        get the banners check if random or sorted.
        object = Banner.objects.select_related().get(id=object_id)
        objectMain = object
        object = object.banners.all()
        object = list(object)
        if objectMain.randomize:
        return render_to_response('playlist.xml', {'object': object})

it checks if the "randomize" field is set in the banner object., if so
it takes the list (you need to convert it to a list for shuffle to
work) and shuffles it. than passes it on. works fine for me.


On Oct 1, 6:29 pm, "Alessandro Ronchi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I tried to
reate a random view with the code on the bottom. It
> doesn't work, the order is always the same.
> What's wrong?
> # Create your views here.
> from adottami.adozioni.models import Scheda, Referente
> from django.views.generic.list_detail import object_list
> #from django.views.generic.list_detail import object_detail
> def random(request, provincia, numero, tipo):
>     items = Scheda.objects.all()
>     if provincia != None:
>         items.filter(provincia__iexact=provincia)
>     if tipo != None:
>         items.filter(tipo__iexact=tipo)
>     # Ordino a caso
>     items.order_by('?')
>     if numero != None:
>         items = items[:numero]
>     template = "random.html"
>     return object_list(
>         request,
>         queryset = items,
>         template_name=template,
>     )
> --
> Alessandro Ronchi
> Skype: aronchi Il mio sito 
> personale Sviluppo Softtware e Sistemi Open Source

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