On Mon, 2007-10-01 at 17:36 +0200, Stefan Matthias Aust wrote:
> I'd like to reword (and overstate) your statement: "If you're too lazy
> to search for the existing information yourself, you're not worth it."
> Is that correct?

Of course not. Please stop trying to inflame the conversation in this

Maintaining information in more than one place is a burden. We are all
volunteers. Ergo, we try to keep the effort required to maintain stuff
to a minimum. The reason I made the point that all of this information
is available via Google is because it means there is already a one-stop
point for finding this stuff. You type a reasonably sensible query in,
spend a few minutes reading the top few links and you're away.

It's a pragmatic decision and not unique to Django. Please stop trying
to reframe the issue as denigrating the people who use the product,
because that is clearly not our intention (take the volume of traffic on
this list and others as clear evidence as to where our intentions lie).


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