well, I am doing some similiar things, for example, I want to show the
time when this Django/Apache server start, and set some "gloabl
variables" which all of my apps can use, just do like this:
I have a primary app named "city", and every other app's views.py will
add a line as "from myproject.city.models import * ". So in this
models.py, just add codes like:
SERVER_START_TIME = datetime.datetime.now()
MY_GLOBAL_VAR = (1,2,3)
def my_init():
    for i in range(1,11):
        print i


it works fine. And just now I test that the my_init() can be in any of
my other appname/models.py.

On 9 29 ,   9 49 , Mark Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi all,
> i'm looking for a way to perform a bunch of initialization tasks
> right after django startup.
> where would i put such things and how/when are they called?
> -mark

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