Ok thank you! I've taken care of the superfluous code and thought it
was something silly I was missing. Thanks!

On Sep 25, 11:25 am, Tim Chase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >         if not request.GET.get('avatarkey',''):
> >             raise Http404
> >         elif len(request.GET['avatarkey']) != 36:
> >             raise Http404
> Just as a side-note, these two are a bit redundant.  I'd suggest
> either
>   if 'avatarkey' not in request.GET or
> len(request.GET['avatarkey'] != 36:
>     raise Http404
> or even just
>   if len(request.GET.get('avatarkey', '') != 36:
>     raise Http404
> because if the key is missing, your default's length is certainly
> not 36 either :)
> >         else:
> >             render_to_response('signup_s2.html',
> > {},RequestContext(request))
> >     else:
> >         raise Http404
> > Why does this code not work?
> Well, you're not doing a "return render_to_response".  If that's
> merely a code transcription omission, read on...otherwise, it
> would 'splain why it's not returning what you think it should be
> returning. :)
> I'm slightly confused why you're passing an empty dict() into
> your render_to_response() call.  Seems superfluous to me.
> Two other questions:
> Which version of Django are you using?
> What do you mean by "does...not work"?
> -tim

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