I had more or less the same situation to solve and I think
http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/371/ should come quite close

2007/9/21, erik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Me, too, I stumbled over this change lately.
> My understanding of the HTTP spec is that there shouldn't be
> different content for a given URL without having to use a POST
> request. The solution for our problem (having links to switch
> languages) might be to use unique URLs for each translation, like
>         /en/startpage/
>         /zh-cn/startpage/
> I didn't think about the required i18n-logic to have this automated,
> so in the meantime I just use the old set_language funtionality in a
> custom function.
> best
> -- erik
> >

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