My bad it is not a bug in Django, I was it was on this list a while ago, a
quick search provided this:

" here's no bug here.

Firstly, it's a "problem" with simplejson, not with Django. It would be
bad policy for us to make any changes to simplejson. We just include a
copy of the upstream simplejson source.

It's not even really a problem with simplejson, since Bob Ippolito has
designed it very well to make it easy to extend as you might wish.
That's exactly how we handle the problem in Django and how you should
handle it if you are using simplejson directly for your own purposes.

Malcolm "
 Which is where my confusion came from.   Another post to the list suggested
casting the decimal field as a float prior to using simplejson.dump.


On 9/19/07, Russell Keith-Magee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 9/20/07, Richard Dahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I believe that that is a known bug, thought I do not know details and
> have
> > not had any problems myself, as I have never tried to serialize a
> decimal.
> Known to who? I'm not aware of any current Decimal serialization
> issues, and a quick search of the ticket database didn't reveal
> anything, either.
> There were some decimal serialzation issues when 0.96 was released,
> but they were fixed long ago, and the test suite includes Decimal (and
> Float) serialization..
> Can you either:
> - provide an example that demonstrates your problem
> - point at the Django ticket for the serialization issue you describe.
> Yours,
> Russ Magee %-)
> >

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