> However, simply dodging the question doesn't address the original point:
> why does Django adhere to such a nannyish philosophy, and how do you
> solve the problem I presented *within Django* in a reasonable way?
> Thanks and regards,
> -scott anderson

Template tags really are the best place to put display-specific logic
like this. The original problem specified (a custom button and
associated JavaScript for an object with the object's name in the
button's id) could be solved using a template filter:

    BUTTON_TEMPLATE = u"""<span id="%(type)sButton-%(id)s"></span>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    Button.create("%(type)sButton-%(id)s", "%(text)s");

    def button(obj, text):

            {{ some_object|button:"Choose me!" }}
        return BUTTON_TEMPLATE % {
            'type': obj._meta.object_name.lower(),
            'id': obj._get_pk_val(),
            'text': ugettext(text),
    button = register.filter(button)

If you wanted to have the button rendered from a template file, that
would be easy to add. Or if you wanted a different template file to be
used depending on the type of object (say, with each specialised
template inheriting from a generic button template), that would also
be pretty easy.

For the other options you went on to mention (including extra,
optional arguments), a "full" template tag would probably be in order.
You wouldn't have to place all the necessary data in the context first
as you stated - e.g. if you wanted to be able to specify a class for
the button, it wouldn't be too much work to implement a tag which can
sort this out:

    {% button some_object "Choose me!" class=superButton %}


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