On 9/11/07, Chris Hoeppner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'll be creating a google code page as soon as we settle down on a name.
> I like Djangostrano. Sounds nice. But I'm not sure about anyone crying
> out something about "ripping other people's ideas".
I don't think I can help with development, but I least I could help
with the name.

Capistrano is:
* A saint: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giovanni_da_Capistrano
* An Italian city: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capistrano_%28VV%29
* A city in California:
* A city in Brazil: http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capistrano

Maybe we could play with that and choose a different name, not a
variation of Capistrano. I mean like:
* Giovanni: First name of the saint
* Calabria: Name of the region where Capistrano is located. (I like this.)
* Allevato: The name of the mayor. (I don't like this one.)
* Ceara: The state where Capistrano is located.

Just a few ideas...



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