
I know it was just an illustration... My final idea is to implement a 
browser for our system which could be represent as a file system. I've 
found this beautiful interface for SVN :


This is in Ruby + Ajax but as our application is purely in python i 
would prefer a python solution. Django seems to me a good candidate for 


MikeHowarth a écrit :
> To be honest I'm not really sure the use of Ajax in printing a piece
> of text from a field is that necessary. This could easily be acheived
> using good old javascript.
> On Sep 11, 3:25 pm, vincent garonne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> *  would like ....
>> vincent garonne a écrit :
>>> Hi,
>>> I would to do the same than this example:
>>> http://www.hackorama.com/ajax/
>>> Vince
>>> MikeHowarth a écrit :
>>>> I'm not entirely sure I follow your request.
>>>> However using Ajax in Django is a fairly simple affair:http://www.b-
>>>> list.org/weblog/2006/jul/02/django-and-ajax/
>>>> On Sep 11, 3:11 pm, garonne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I 've started playing with Django which seems very well for what i
>>>>> need but i still can figure out how to implement a very simple ajax
>>>>> example:
>>>>> I would like to have a form with a  textarea and after pressing the
>>>>> button, i wish to see the form and the text print below. For some
>>>>> reason i'm not able to keep both on the same page. I put my code
>>>>> below.
>>>>>> cat views.py
>>>>> from django.http      import HttpResponse
>>>>> from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
>>>>> from django           import newforms as forms
>>>>> from django.contrib.admin.views.decorators import
>>>>> staff_member_required
>>>>> class Form(forms.Form):
>>>>>     Entry  = forms.CharField(max_length=100)
>>>>> def index(request):
>>>>>     if request.method == 'POST':
>>>>>         form = Form(request.POST)
>>>>>             if  form['Entry'].data  == "" or form['Entry'].data is
>>>>> None :
>>>>>                 Entry  = " No entry"
>>>>>             else:
>>>>>                 Entry  = form['Entry'].data
>>>>>             return render_to_response('index.html', {'Entry': Entry})
>>>>>     else:
>>>>>         form = Form()
>>>>>     return render_to_response('index.html', {'form': form})
>>>>>> cat index.html
>>>>> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
>>>>>     "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd";>
>>>>> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; xml:lang="en" lang="en">
>>>>> <head>
>>>>>     <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
>>>>>     <title>Testr</title>
>>>>> </head>
>>>>> <body>
>>>>> <div>
>>>>>     <form method="post" action="">
>>>>>         <table>{{ form.as_table }}</table>
>>>>>         <input type="submit" />
>>>>>     </form>
>>>>> </div>
>>>>> {% if Entry %}
>>>>> <div>
>>>>>                 Entry : {{Entry}}
>>>>> </div>
>>>>> {% endif %}
>>>>> </body>
>>>>> I've found a way which is to resent a form variable to index HTML but
>>>>> i think this is not the right thing to do. I would like to fill my
>>>>> page in a incremental way.  I think this is a trivial recipe...
>>>>> Thanks for your help,
>>>>>                                 Vincent.
>> --
>> -----------------------<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>------------------------
>> Vincent Garonne                          http://cern.ch/vincent.garonne
>> CERN                                 PH, CH-1211, Geneva 23, Switzerland
>> Tel. +41 22 76 71181                                Fax. +41 22 76 78350
>> ----------------------------------=-------------------------------------
> >

-----------------------<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>------------------------
Vincent Garonne                           http://cern.ch/vincent.garonne
CERN                                 PH, CH-1211, Geneva 23, Switzerland
Tel. +41 22 76 71181                                Fax. +41 22 76 78350

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