> class Blah(models.Model):
>      ...
>      sources = models.ManyToManyField(Source)
> The query I want to perform is to find all the Blahs that come from
> sources 1 or 2 but not sources 3 or 4.
What if Blah comes from both 1 and 3?

> The SQL I want to run is something like:
>         SELECT blah_id
>         FROM myapp_blah_sources
>         WHERE source_id IN (1, 2)
>         EXCEPT
>         SELECT blah_id
>         FROM myapp_blah_sources
>         WHERE source_id in (3, 4);
Isn't this same as:
      SELECT blah_id
         FROM myapp_blah_sources
      WHERE source_id IN (1, 2)
           AND source_id NOT IN (3,4)

Maybe "Complex lookups with Q objects" from
can help here or just use extra like:
Blah.objects.extra(where=['source_id IN (1, 2)', 'source_id NOT IN (3,

Maciej Wisniowski

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