For anyone interested, I've made available the code (using Django) to
a project that implements a message queue for use with Django (or
anything, really) projects. The brilliantly conceived name is "Django
Queue Service", and the source is available at I've written up the
background at my blog
( and just
wanted to let you all know it was there if you wanted or needed such a

The code was hacked up in a few evenings at OSCON 2007. Like so many
other folks, I've run into "I want to run some background processing
that is initiated from a django project, but I didn't see any
brilliant queueing solutions that I could take and run with. Hence
this was born, intending to replicate over Amazon's Simple Queue
Service REST API.

It is not set up as a drop-down-and-run service, but there isn't too
much more that's needed to use it directly if you're interested. I've
also included a pure python WSGI server from CherryPy within the
source - which I found was a very effective way to run the code. I've
been wanting to do a pure python server for a while, and this really
did the trick for me.


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