Chris Hoeppner wrote on 08/25/07 18:40:
> Hi there!
> I was just wondering how to dynamically "or" together an indetermined
> quantity of Q objects. They're constructed from a string like q=a+b+c,
> which would get stiched together as "(Q(field=a) | Q(field=b) |
> Q(field=c))". Any clue on how to do it with unknown parameters? It will
> need to work with a+b, just like a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h... You get it :)

from django.db.models import Q

fields = 'a+b+c+d+e'.split('+')

query = Q(field=fields.pop(0))
for field_value in fields:
     query = query | Q(field=field_value)
mylist = MyModel.objects.filter(query)

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