What I gave you should work, I have no idea about the error your
getting.  Here is a complete example, maybe that will help.

In [15]: ls1=cm.Listing.objects.all()[:2]
In [16]: ls2=cm.Listing.objects.all()[10:13]
In [17]: fs3=cm.Field.objects.all()[:2]
In [18]: q=list(ls1) + list(ls2) + list(fs3)
In [19]: sorted_list=sorted(q,key=operator.attrgetter('modified'))
In [20]: sorted_list
[<Field: 179|SUBDIVISION|Subdivision|Harrisburg>,
 <Listing: 305748>,
 <Field: 198|USERDEFINED10|Senior Sch|Harrisburg>,
 <Listing: 306528>,
 <Listing: 302041>,
 <Listing: 305518>,
 <Listing: 304160>]

As for other options, it depends on what you are doing.  Generic
relations aren't too bad, unless you want to filter on them.   I had
some complex needs for an event calendar, and went with a wrapper
class.  MyWrapper(list(ls1) + list(ls2) + list(fs3)).  The wrapper
went through the objects and put them in the right slots and extracted
the display information from a dummy class on each model (like having
class Admin: in the model for admin) to pass to a template tag for
rendering the event.

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