I'll second Patrick's opinion. It's an interesting idea, but I doubt it will be practical at all to put together classes at the backend and make that into an application somehow. You're probably better off developing modules, precompiled swf with functionality and a shell loading what modules you will have on a given app. That information , plus data for these modules can easily be generated from django as xml, json even amf.
I do think, however of two, kind of far fetched cases for dynamic compiling: a) Generating flex swfs by a gui editor at the browser, effectivily recreating some of FlexBuilder's functionality. You could develop a Drag and Drop GUI editor that uses django to output the mxml an have that fed to the compiler to generate a swf file. b) Having assets embedded into a swf, to make it easier to deal with preloading and reduce latency for a large number of small files Regarding swf dynamic generation the Mtasc compiler that Patrick mentioned is great. Also for AS2 there's swf mill that could create a library of swf files from an xml. Also, Adobe has an Apache module for the compiler: http://labs.adobe.com/wiki/index.php/Flex_Module_for_Apache_and_IIS I have no idea how stable or buggy that is, but it might be interesting. Cheers Arthur On Aug 15, 8:00 am, Patrick Lauber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I work as a Flash Developer and Django Programmer. > > You don't and you shouldn't compile flash on a request basis. > You should make your flash app smart enough that you can give it some > parameters or let it talk with the backend with something like django- > amf. > Then it can load images, mp3 etc. or display something. With flex you > can do some nice data bindings with django-amf. > > Just for reference there is a command-line compiler for AS2 too: > called mtasc and is used by the very nice eclipse plugin "fdt" by > powerflasher.de > > cheers > > On 15.08.2007, at 08:56, SamFeltus wrote: > > > > > > > I was thinking of A - D, for Django serving information for Flash > > also. > > > But mainly I was thinking of... > > > E. Compiling Flash content ahead of time with a Python web framework. > > Basically, creating a browser based environment to create content > > (supplementing, not replacing the Flash/Flex/etc tools). The tool has > > a library of ActionScript classes, SWFs from other sources, images, > > flvs, mp3, etc to compile into a SWF before the user requests it. > > Basically, you create a swf in the browser, edit and recompile it in > > the browser until it is done, then publish to the site. Django > > generates ActionScript instead of HTML/JS etc. It seems to work > > pretty easily. > > > F. A live section that has a library of content, including SWF, > > database info, images, video, audio that is designed to load a master > > swf created in E. > > > As to Flash being more sophisticated, I mean HTML is only good at > > textual information. I was thinking content that expands human > > expression beyond the HTML web, overlays and augments it, not replaces > > it. It seems to me we are at the beginning of an explosion of non > > text content on the web. > > > Here are some crude examples of experimental content created by > > TurboGears and Django in the browser (with GIMP, Photoshop, MXMLC and > > a text editor). The code has issues of course, I am a gardener > > Googling Python and ActionScript 3 as I go along. :) > > >http://samfeltus.com/site_index.html > > > PS I appreciate everyone's input. > > Divio GmbH > Patrick Lauber > Rich Media Architect > Bachstrasse 15 > CH-8038 Zürich > > Fon +41 44 480 12 40 > Fax +41 44 480 12 71 > Mobile +41 76 390 22 23 > > Mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Web http://www.divio.ch --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to django-users@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/django-users?hl=en -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---