
if the fields will never be edited, you can use editable=False
in your model.

I do it like this:


BTW: the "commit" keywords does not mean database commit.
If means, don't call save() of the instance.

Am Montag, 30. Juli 2007 14:54 schrieb ilDave:
> Hello!
> I have a form generated with form_for_model.
> I deleted a couple of fields from it, beacuse I don't want the user to
> insert value for them, but their value should be automatically filled
> after the submit of the form.
> So, I have something like this:
> MyForm = form_for_model(myModel)
> del MyForm.base_fields['code']
> del MyForm.base_fields['date']
> del.MyForms.base_fields['author']
> f = MyForm()
> The form is nicely displayed the way I want.
> Then, I have to save the data the user filled in the form, adding
> values for three fields I removed.
> I tried to do this way:
> f = MyForm(request.post)
> if f.is_valid():
>     num = Code.objects.get(pk=1) #I retrieve the code from a value
> stored in a model
>     f.clean_data['code'] = num.nextcode
>     f.clean_data['date'] = datetime.date.today()
>     f.clean_data['author'] = request.user #I use the standard django
> authentication
>     f.save()
> The data are correctly saved on the database, but the three particular
> field behave strangely:
> the 'code' field is correctly saved, but the 'author' and 'date' filed
> are not: in the database, they are Null.
> In the MyModel model, 'date' is a model.DateField object, and 'author'
> is a model.ForeignKey(User) object.
> Am I doing something wrong?
> Thanks.

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