I'd say if

>>     constraints = (
>>         ('check_foo',
>>         Check(field__gte=100) | Check(field__lte=42)
>>         )
>>     )
> This is supported.

then adding this

>>     constraints = (
>>         ('check_foo',
>>         Check(Q(field__gte=100) | Q(field__lte=42))
>>         )
>>     )
> This too I haven't thought of....studying this feasibility.

becomes superfluous.  As long as there's *a* way to do
logical-or'ing together, there's not really an impelling reason
to provide *more* ways to do it (unless this were a perl framework).

>>    CREATE TABLE "appname_manufacturerer" (
>>         ...
>>         CONSTRAINT "appname_manufacturer__check_name"
>>         CHECK ("mfg_name" like 'Merc%%'),
>>         ...
>>    );
> One more item in my todo list now.

I'm not sure if it should use a single or double underscore to
separate them.  I think other constraints only use a single one.
 However, I don't know how this behaves if one has a model or an
app with an underscore in its name (if that's even allowed).  I
suppose if folks do pathological stuff, they deserve the
headaches they get :)

>> 4) do the constraints get dropped properly when doing a DB purge
>> (using "manage.py sqlclear" or "manage.py sqlreset")?
> Yes they do get dropped cleanly.

Good to hear.  Keep up the good work on this fine project!


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