>> I dislike CSV because it takes extra overhead to
>> synchronize the flavors of them (how are quotes quoted?  are
>> values quoted? etc).
> Psst! Check out Python's built-in ``csv`` module
> (http://docs.python.org/lib/module-csv.html); it handles all that
> nastiness for you.

I've used it before, and it is great...if the person on the 
receiving end also has the benefits of Python's CSV module ;)

In the OP's case, this works because they're receiving the file 
and they've got Python.  So yes, use python's built-in csv module 
and relax.

However, if you're on the sending end, and your recipient 
*doesn't* have the benefit of Python's csv module, you need to 
expend brain cycles to explain the csv-flavor to the recipient. 
With tab-delimited, it's far less problematic (unless some bozo 
wants to transmit actual tabs in their data...then try 
pipe-delimited as alluded to in some early sample code in this 
thread...unless there are tabs *and* pipes in the data, in which 
case, you need to smack the pathological twit and then expend the 
brain cycles)


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