Hi Ben,

I'm excited to hear that you got a copy of django.contrib.dataplot and you 
are trying it out. I will try to help you debug the problem, but the 
full traceback may be more useful. Can you send it?

The purpose of the get_r_fun method is to look at the current R 
environment and check if the desired R function has been source'ed yet. 
This is one of the first steps before passing the data before R.

I take the "r has no attribute generic" to refer to one of the generic 
plotting functions named in one of the RPlot subclasses -- you must be 
dealing with Scatter, TimeSeries, or NormalQQPlot, right? Are you sure it 
doesn't say something like "r has no attribute generic.scatter.plot"? You 
might try changing the dots . to underscores _ in the 
r_fun_name='generic.scatter.plot' line in the definition of the 
ScatterPlot subclass.

Maybe your version of RPy isn't translating python names into R names the 
same way as mine is? I'm using RPy 0.4.6-3ubuntu2 Python 2.4.2-0ubuntu3 
and R 2.2.1-2 on ubuntu dapper. What are your versions?

Toby Dylan Hocking

On Wed, 11 Jul 2007, Ben Ford wrote:

> Hi Toby
> I've grabbed a copy of your code but the RPlot.get_r_fun method isn't
> working for me... Could you perhaps explain how it does the mapping to the R
> function? What my testing is saying to me is that r (the one that's imported
> at the top of __init__.py) has no attribute generic... I've had a very brief
> look at rpy before, but I'm not exactly familiar with it's inner
> workings....
> Great work, I've been meaning to have a crack at something like this for
> ages!!
> Ben
> On 11/07/07, Toby Dylan Hocking <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> If you still need help with making data-driven plots, why don't you check
>> out my new Django package --- I'd like some testers and comments.
>> Basically it is an interface to the R programming language (for statistics
>> and graphics) through the RPy package. You can download my latest release:
>> http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~tdhock/dataplot-0.2.tgz
>> I'm a statistician who has been using this system for some time at my
>> work, but I finally am getting around to generalizing it and packaging it
>> for general use with the Django framework.
>> The installation instructions are in INSTALL.txt in the archive.
>> Documentation is mostly present in docstrings at the moment -- I'm working
>> on more tutorials, but the .txt files and the example app should be enough
>> to get you started.
>> Sincerely,
>> Toby Dylan Hocking
>> http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~tdhock
> -- 
> Regards,
> Ben Ford
> +628111880346
> >

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