On 7/1/07, Merric Mercer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want to change the Cache-Control on the HTTP header.  Can anybody
> advise how I do this.  Currently my view returns
> a render_to_response like so:-
> return render_to_response(template_name,{'code': code
> },context_instance=RequestContext(request))

You have two options: make a decorator that alters the return as
needed, or don't use render_to_response.

The first option:

def alter_headers(f, headers):
  def alter_response(**kwargs):
     r = f(kwargs)
     for header in headers:
     return r
  return alter_response
def your_view(request,your_args):

The second option:

render_to_response is just a shortcut; you can create your own

IMHO, the second option is simpler and more flexible.

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