Hi again,
This is getting very frustrating because I can't make this work...
This is exactly what I wrote in the files:
from django import newforms as forms
from django.newforms.forms import BoundField
from django.template import Context, loader

class TemplatedForm(forms.Form):
    def cc(self):
        "Helper function for fieldsting fields data from form."
        bound_fields = [BoundField(self, field, name) for name, field
                        in self.fields.items()]
        c = Context(dict(form = self, bound_fields = bound_fields))
        t = loader.get_template('newforms/form.html')
        return t.render(c)

    def __str__(self):
        return self.output_via_template()

{% for field in bound_fields %}
{% include "newforms/field.html" %}
{% endfor %}

<tr{% if field.errors %} class="errors" {% endif%}>
    <label for="id_{{ field.name }}">{{ field.label }}{% if
field.field.required %}<span class="required">*</span>{% endif %}:</
    {{ field }}
    {% if field.errors %}{{ field.errors }}{% endif %}
    {% if field.help_text %}
    <p class="helptext">({{ field.help_text }})</p>
    {% endif %}

This probably has to be modified to do what I want it to do (present
the error text as simple text and not as <ul>) but I have no idea
where I have to change this to do what I want it to do. I know that
the changes have to be made on the function output_via_template(), but
I just don't know what am I supposed to do there. :(


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