On 6/23/07, Kenneth Gonsalves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 22-Jun-07, at 5:41 AM, Noah Gift wrote:
> > > unique interactive web applications, etc. current plans include a
> > > python-based CMS such as django on Linux.
> >
> > you could also inform them that django is not a CMS - if they are
> > expecting one, they may be in for a disappointment.
> >
> > I think your being a bit misleading.  Of course you can use django
> > for a CMS.  It certainly doesn't hurt that CMS was the problem
> > domain being addressed while Django was being written either.  Just
> > take a look at 99% of the jobs on django-users.  "Hi, I work for a
> > newspaper.....".  So yes it can be a CMS if you write the code for
> > it, and it is probably one of the problems django does best.
> > Saying django is not a CMS is kind of like Elvis saying he wasn't
> > influenced by the Blues... :)
> Let us be clear - django is a web framework meant for developers -

I think anyone that thinks otherwise doesn't know how to read and doesn't
know how to program or know what programming is.  Your stating the obvious
and for some reason there are many people on the django list that keep
stating the obvious over and over and over again.  Let me help you make your
point.  I wrote diskbot last year:


This was done in Django and has absolutely nothing to do with CMS.  It is a
systems monitoring tool.  I actually just wrote it for a presentation, but
think it could be cool :)

not a cms meant for end users. Yes, you can build a cms with django -
> and you can build a whole lot of other things. For that matter, you
> can built a cms with python-cgi also - but that doesnt make python-
> cgi a cms.

Why do you think people keep asking things like..." python-based CMS such as
django on Linux"  This idea that Django can become,i.e. build, a great CMS
is coming from somewhere...maybe it is in fact true?  And why is this a bad

Someone made a great analogy about how an oven can make a pie, but an oven
is not a pie.  Let me elaborate on that analogy.  I worked in a couple pizza
places in college so I know pizza quite well.  Say you work in a pizza shop.
 You are really unsatisfied with the current oven you have.  You get
inspired to design and make your own oven and your specific problem domain
is making a better pizza oven.

So you talk to the owner of the pizza shop and convince him you can make the
best pizza oven in the world and it will be 1000% times more efficient than
your current pizza oven.  So you and a couple other guys build this oven and
in fact it is a great pizza oven.  You then start cranking out tons of
pizzas and your owner is super happy.

So many people are happy with the great pizzas you are cranking out that you
get the idea to share your design with the world.  You start a club to share
your ideas, give your pizza oven a fancy name like pjango and people from
all over the world help you make the oven even better.

In your pizza shop you often make not only pizza in your oven, but pastrami
sandwiches, pies, bread...heck you even cooked a thanksgiving turkey in your
pizza oven.  After all a oven is just an oven...it just needs to be set for
the proper temperature for the item your cooking.  You are very proud that
you can cook ANYTHING in your pizza oven.

You notice a lot of people have heard of your fancy pizza oven and keep
asking you about making pizzas.  They say, "I want to make the best pizzas
in the world and I want to use pjango for that".

What do you say at that point?  Listen, "This is an oven, that can bake
pizzas, but it won't make the dough, create a special sauce or decide the
ingredients for you.  In addition, it doesn't just bake pizzas, it also
bakes pies, and breads and pastrami sandwiches and even THANKSGIVING

So, now substitute pizza shop, for newspaper shop and pizza for a
CMS/Newspaper Website.  My point is no matter how good of Thanksgiving
Turkeys you make, and despite that fact that your oven can cook ANYTHING,
people are probably going to be most interested in making pizza's in your
pizza oven!


I dont know enough about elvis to comment on your last
> statement ;-)
> --
> regards
> kg
> http://lawgon.livejournal.com
> http://nrcfosshelpline.in/web/
> >


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