On Mon, 2007-06-18 at 15:04 +0200, Dirk van Oosterbosch, IR labs wrote:
> On 15-jun-2007, at 0:18, Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> >
> > On Thu, 2007-06-14 at 16:37 +0200, Dirk van Oosterbosch, IR labs  
> > wrote:
> > [...]
> >>
> >> Exactly. It runs untill I try to load a page (from another ssh  
> >> shell).
> >> And I just get the prompt back:
> >
> > [...]
> > So maybe shove some debug prints in handle(), but, in general, you're
> > going to have to try to work out how far it gets before stopping. I
> > cannot imagine what is going wrong here. The whole silent failure  
> > bit is
> > confusing.
> Indeed, it is very confusing. This is as it gets before stopping:
> (basehttp.py, run() method of ServerHandler class, line 271)
> try:
>       self.setup_environ()
> The server hangs on the next line, 272:
>       self.result = application(self.environ, self.start_response)
> and just exits, without even getting to the except:

Query: it hangs or it exits? Since they are opposites, it can't do both.
Are you saying it never returns from that function call but still exits?

What should be happening, by the way, is that run() method is called
once per request.

The "application" here will be an AdminMediaServer instance (so you can
plug things into the __call__ method of that class, further down in the
same basehttp.py file). The AdminMediaServer class also has an
"application" attribute and that is a WSGIHandler instance (from

I'd start by checking how far through AdminMediaServer.__call__ you get.
If it gets as far as line 613, start putting traps into
WSGIHandler.__call__ to see what's going on.


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