I still don't understand if the Djangos' dev server allows the usage
of css files on a web page or if it only allows accessing the files
directly (for ex. http:something:8000/proj/appsmedia/css1.css shows
the css code on the browser).
If it does allow the usage of css on templates then here is my code:

On the urls.py:
(r'^manager/appsmedia/(?P<path>.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve',
{'document_root': '/nobackup/reis/Project/Manager/templates/

On the template:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/appsmedia/css/css1.css" /

The css files location:

I can see the css files code on the web browser through:

Is there anything wrong here?
When I try viewing the page with the css applied I don't get any
formating at all... :(

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