On 24    , 17:06, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> The unicode branch, [1], is now at a point where it is essentially
> feature-complete and could do with a bit of heavy testing from the wider
> community.
> So if you have some applications that work against Django's current
> trunk and would like to try them out on the unicode branch, I'd
> appreciate your efforts. The porting effort should be very minimal
> (almost zero, in many cases).

I've checked out unicode branch today and immediately found two bugs.
This code doesn't work:
    def __unicode__(self):
        langs = dict(settings.LANGUAGES)
        return _("%s text of the page %s") % (langs[self.language],

(I get TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for %: '__proxy__' and

The second bug is actually the unicode bug that was present in non-
unicode django and still persists in unicode branch. Unicode data
fetched from postgresql using psycopg2 is invalid under some
circumstances. I'll provide more details when I'll have time.

> For code that is only meant to work with ASCII data, there are probably
> no changes required at all. For code that is meant to work with all
> kinds of input (essentially, arbitrary strings), there are a few quick
> porting steps required.
> See [2] for the short list (5 steps, maximum!) of changes you might need
> to make. For more detailed information, have a read through the
> unicode.txt document in the docs/ directory of the branch.
> Any bugs you find should be filed in Trac. Put "[unicode]" at the start
> of the summary title so that I can search for them later. No need to put
> any special keywords or anything like that in (the "version" field
> should be set to "other branch", if you remember).
> A couple of things to watch out for when you're testing:
>         (A) Strings that seem to mysteriously disappear, but when you
>         examine the source, you see something like
>         "<django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0x2aaaaf87a750>".
>         These shouldn't be too common and will mostly be restricted to
>         places like the admin interface that do introspection.
>         (B) Translations that happen too early. If you have translations
>         available and use your app in a language that is different from
>         the LANGUAGE_CODE setting, watch out for any strings that are
>         translated into LANGUAGE_CODE, instead of your current locale.
>         This is a sign that ugettext() is being used somewhere that
>         ugettext_lazy() should be used.
>         (C) If you're using Python 2.3, look for strings that don't make
>         much sense when printed. That is a sign that a bytestring is
>         being used where a unicode string was needed (not your fault;
>         it's an oversight in Django). Python 2.3 has some
>         "interesting" (I could use nastier words) behaviour when it
>         tries to interpolate non-string objects into unicode strings (it
>         doesn't call the __unicode__ method!!) and we have to work
>         around them explicitly. I think I've got most of them, but I'll
>         bet I have overlooked some.
> Most bugs that people are finding at the moment fit into one of these
> categories and they are very easy to fix once we find them. I've tried
> to nail most of them in advance, but you can probably imagine how
> exciting it is to read every line of source code and try to find all the
> strings that are in a precise form that need changing. My attention may
> have drifted from time to time.
> Have realistic expectations about this branch, too. It is meant to be as
> close to 100% backwards-compatible as we can make it. So, for example,
> usernames still have to use normal ASCII alphabetic characters, etc.
> Similarly, the slugify filter still behaves as it did before. At some
> point it will be extended to handle a _few_ more non-ASCII characters,
> but it's never going to be a full transliteration function. They are the
> two big items I expect people would otherwise try to extend beyond what
> is intended. There may be others and I'm sure we'll discover what they
> are as the questions pop up.
> [1]http://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/UnicodeBranch
> [2]http://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/UnicodeBranch#PortingApplicationsT...
> Regards,
> Malcolm

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