Russell Keith-Magee wrote:
> On 6/1/07, char <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Obviously, the performance deteriorates rapidly as the number of
>> GamesOfInterest added to a Profile increases. Is there any way to
>> avoid this?
> This is a known problem, and one of the many reasons that the forms
> framework is being replaced with 'newforms'.
> There is no workaround (that I am aware of), nor are there plans to
> fix the (many) problems with the Manipulator framework.
> If you are developing a new application, I _strongly_ recommend that
> you develop using newforms.

it's probably still too early in the morning, but cannot this be worked 
around by using raw_id_admin?

(just a quick test where i added raw_id_admin to most of the foreignkeys 
seems to have fixed the issue (but i am not sure if you can keep all the 
other admin-options))


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