On Sat, 2007-05-26 at 18:02 -0700, David wrote:
> I haven't got a lot to go on, output-wise; here's what I ran:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] intl]$ python manage.py dumpdata fuel >
> fuel.tmp
> Unable to serialize database: Decimal("0.00") is not JSON serializable

To repeat Russell's question: which version of the code are you using? 

It very much sounds like you're using MySQL with a checkout prior to
last week. In which case, you are bumping into ticket #3324. There's a
patch there you might be able to try as a workaround if you can't
upgrade your Django source.

> And trying a different format, a different error:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] intl]$ python manage.py dumpdata --format xml
> fuel > fuel.xml
> Unable to serialize database: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 in
> position 13: ordinal not in range(128)

Since non-ASCII data essentially doesn't work on trunk, that's not too
surprising. This is ticket #4227. As a workaround, you might be able to
use the patch attached to that ticket, or use the unicode branch, where
this has been fixed.

One lesson from this: searching the ticket database for similar problems
will often yield results. I have some advantage here since I work with
our Trac enough that I have most of the major open and recently closed
tickets in my head, but searching in the serialisation component (in
this case) and including closed tickets as well as currently open ones
would yield resutls.


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