> I'm reimplementing an in-database tree system and I'm using custom SQL
> queries. I want to use % in LIKE but Django doesn't let me.
> The code:
> ##############
> def getBranch(table_name, parent_depth, parent_cutLevel, max_depth):
>         cursor = connection.cursor()
>         cursor.execute("SELECT *, INSTR(level,'0')-1 AS depth,
> INSTR(level,'0')-1 - "+ parent_depth +" AS relativeDepth FROM  " +
> table_name + " WHERE level LIKE '"+ parent_cutLevel +"%' AND
> INSTR(level,'0')-1 <= ("+ max_depth +"+"+ parent_depth +") ORDER BY
> level")
>         row = cursor.fetchall()
>         return row
> ##############
> The exception:
> ##############
> not enough arguments for format string
> Exception Location: /usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/django/db/
> backends/util.py in execute, line 19
> ##############
> I can "print" the query string, but can't make the query as cursor
> code uses %letters... Is there a solution for this. ( \ doesn't work,
> % in variable also)

Umm... the "%" symbol has a special meaning in a string, which is to
interpolate it and fill it with arguments from a provided list. In a
cursor it's a variable placeholder used for prepared (or normal)
queries. If you want it literal, you must escape it properly.

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