Created a feed using the syndication tutorial on the main Django
website... acutally I used the one that powers the feed from the
Django weblog.

from django.contrib.syndication.feeds import Feed
from avalonstar.blogs.models import Entry
import datetime

class LatestEntries(Feed):
    author_name    = "Bryan Veloso"
    author_email   = "xxx"
    title          = "Avalonstar"
    link           = "";
    description    = "The latest from Avalonstar, the home of Bryan

    def items(self):

But when I try to use this in a feed reader, the publish date is
always the date and time the feed was updated, rather than when the
post was created. When I tried to import posts into Virb, it gave the
old 12/31/69 date. I tried to use item_date(self), but that didn't
seem to work the way I wanted it to.

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