gsmith wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a template file that when shown is going to be populated by
> data from two different tables.  I want to use the generic view
> 'list_detail.object_list'.  However, as far as I know I can only pass
> one queryset to the object_list view.  Is there a way that I can pass
> two QuerySet's?
> For example this is how it works now
> rso_news_info = {
>     "queryset" : news.objects.all(),
>     "template_object_name" : "news",
> }
> I am wondering if I can use something like
> rso_news_info = {
>     "queryset" : news.objects.all(),
>     "queryset" : leftnav.objects.all()
>     "template_object_name" : "news",
> }
> So that I would be able to have two block tags in my template
> news_list.html that display the data from both tables.
> Any help would be appreciated.

I suggest you using extra_context parameter to add your objects within.

Ex :

urlpatterns = patterns('',
   (r'^$', 'django.views.generic.list_detail.object_list', dict(queryset=
Tag.objects.all(), 'all_categories': Category.objects.all(),} )),


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