>> Well, whitespaces in Python are pretty difficult to keep in
>> line, if you are used to other languages. I personally use
>> Tabs for intending and VIM editor and have it to make Tabs
>> visible like dark blue |------,
> Hey, do you mind sharing your .vimrc for that, probably best
> on dpaste.com ?

Just add

        set listchars+=tab:|-
        set list

to the end of your vimrc.  This will show the tabs in the above 
format.  The color is based on your colorscheme, whatever 
highlighting it maps the SpecialKey to.

If you don't like the other characters that become visible with 
listchars, you'd have to remove them from the 'listchars' setting 
(it defaults to "eol:$")

        :set listchars-=eol:$

You can read more than anybody would care to know at

        :help 'listchars'
        :help hl-SpecialKey
        :help 'list'

and the subsequent links to which those send you.


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