
I would recommend you use cx_Oracle 4.3.1 (released only yesterday),
as it contains some significant fixes for LOB handling.

The boulder-oracle-sprint branch is nearly complete...according to me
and the other developer who've been working on it.  We're using the
code in production here for an internal app (it keeps track of storage
locations and associated data for our cryogenic cell lines, if you're
curious).  All tests pass and we've closed all the Oracle-specific
bugs and have been running it against all three pythons and all
database backends (except ado_mssql) thanks to Jacob's buildbot-like
script from djangosnippets.org.

We're backfilling now--we finally added mention of Oracle to the docs
in the branch, and created an OracleBranch wiki page.  We hope to
finish polishing the patch and to submit it...any minute now.

If you or anyone else knows of outstanding issues with the boulder-
oracle-sprint branch, please follow up on this list or by submitting a
Trac bug and we'll get it fixed.


On Apr 6, 5:45 pm, "Zundra Daniel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks Ramiro and sorry about the confusion.  I got mixed up somewhere along
> the way while trying to find a fix and thought I read that the sprint code
> had been merged.  Anyway I've checked out the boulder sprint branch and so
> far so good.  I've gotten past that initial error at least so thats a good
> sign.
> On 4/6/07, Ramiro Morales <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 4/6/07, zundra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Is anyone having success using Oracle with Django?  I see that oracle
> > > support from the bolder sprint was rolled into trunk
> > Wrong, the boulder-oracle-sprint branch hasn't been merged
> > into trunk yet.
> > So if you experienced the problem using trunk, please try again
> > by doing a checkout from the branch as Jeremy Dunck suggests in
> > another post of this thread.
> > Regards,
> > --
> > Ramiro Morales

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