On Apr 19, 12:25 pm, "Joseph Heck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Django on windows works fine - I've set up Apache/ModPython/MySQL and
> Apache/ModPython/Postgres. I wouldn't recommend sticking this on the same
> machine as a domain controller and Exchange though. For that matter, I
> wouldn't recommend sticking a domain controller and Exchange on the same
> box. YMMV.

I didn't have any say in the server setup they have now (PDC +
Exchange = !!!) but I know it will raise some eyebrows if I say that
the $19K they just spent on infrastructure is inadequate. (They
upgraded more than their server.  Tape drive, network switches, UPS,
rack, software, etc but all the PHB sees is 'Computer' :-)  )

In my previous post, I mentioned that I was going get some load stats
of their server and put in contingency money for a dedicated server.
Your post reinforces that decision.

Thanks for your insight.


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