Thanks, that is very helpful.

At 11:45 AM -0600 4/14/07, Brian Rosner wrote:
>You will want to check out how to create widgets.  Here might be an
>example you are looking for as well as a an example in general.
>2007-04-14 11:32:53 -0600, Ray Cote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
>>  Hello:
>>  I'm trying to figure out the approved Django way to add a Javascript
>>  date picker (pop-up calendar) to a field while using newforms.
>>  One way I see people adding date pickers is to give the field a
>>  specific class which the Javascript then attaches to during onload of
>>  the page. However, I don't see a way to add a class to a field with
>>  newforms.
>>  Any help appreciated as I'm fairly new to both Django and JavaScript.
>>  --Ray


Raymond Cote
Appropriate Solutions, Inc.
PO Box 458 ~ Peterborough, NH 03458-0458
Phone: 603.924.6079 ~ Fax: 603.924.8668

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