On 4/6/07, Michael Newman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am extremely new to programming, much less Django, but am working my
> tail off trying to deploy a student alternative Webzine site.
> For the images I have been trying to use the nesh utils,
> http://trac.studioquattro.biz/djangoutils/wiki/Thumbnail, because they
> look perfect and a friend recommended them to me. I have tried
> different methods to install the application and made the changes
> talked about here, 
> http://groups.google.com/group/nesh-django-utils/browse_thread/thread/5129f1b17267abf5?hl=en
> , but am still having problems. I am trying my hardest to break down
> the code and figure out what could be going on.
> As I was going through the code, I opened a python shell to try to
> import the functions. In order I did
> from django.conf import settings
> from django.core.cache import get_cache
> and it raises an 'EnvironmentError: Environment Variable
> DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE is undefined'. A quick search finds a few code
> trac problems and a few fixes regarding this problem but none have
> helped.

Just what the error says, you have to define the
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable.

Assuming you have started a project, go to your project folder and in
your shell run this:

  ~$ python manage.py shell

It will set up the settings environment for you and fire up a python shell.

If you still want to do it yourself, then what you need to do is
something like this (in your shell of course):

  ~$ export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=myproject.settings
 ~$ python

The 'export' thing is how you define an environment variable.

I'm assuming here that your are using a Linux machine, if you are in
Windows then you'll have to use the "python manage.py shell" command.


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