On 4/6/07, paceman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I guess what I am beginning to realize is that everytime I call my
> mydatetime = getHubIndexUpdateDate(0), I get a new
> tz.FixedOffsetTimezone object at xxxx, noting the xxxx.

Well, if using ctime is workable for you, it's certainly a way to
avoid the problem.

But no, what you're seeing there is that there are different tzinfo
*instances*.  Yet what pickle is complaining about is different tzinfo
*classes* of the same name.

In python, everything is an object, including types.

A little demonstration:

>>> i = 1 #Make i an instance of type int.

>>> type(i) #see?
<type 'int'>

>>> t=type(i) #make t be a reference to the type object.

>>> id(t) #what is the id of t?

>>> class C(object): #make a new type, class C.
   ...:     pass

>>> id(C)  #what is the id of C?

>>> c=C() #make c be an instance of type C.

>>> id(type(c)) is id(C) #verify that the type of c is, indeed, what
we currently call C.

>>> class C(object): #re-define C to be some other type.
   ...:     pass

>>> id(C) #note that the id of type C has changed.

>>> id(type(c)) is id(C)

Under these conditions, pickle will fail to dump "c" because the type
it refers to no longer has a name.  type(c) is *not* what we call "C"
any longer.  Pickle has no way to re-construct the instance c, since
it'd need a way to refer to the type formerly named C.

See?  :)

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