On 3/23/07, Scanner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jan 16, 12:32 pm, Jacob Kaplan-Moss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 1/16/07 4:05 AM, Russell Keith-Magee wrote:
> >
> > > Given the current push towards 1.0, it seems likely that this
> > > particular merge will not get the attention of the core developers in
> > > the immediate future (at least until 1.0 is out the door). However, if
> > > you want to volunteer, and you don't feel you can contribute to the
> > > 1.0 push, making sure that therow-level permissions branch is in
> > > perfect condition for merging to trunk (i.e., lots of tests,
> > > documentation, good integration with admin, etc) would be one way to
> > > help out.
> >
> > You should also keep and eye on the newforms-admin branch. One of the
> > consequences of redoing the admin is going to be some cleanup in how
> > permissions are checked and implemented, and that should make per-obj-perms
> > *much* simpler.
> Note: Posting here because it seemed the most appropriate instead of
> starting a new discussion.
> I have been working on a set of apps that absolutely require row level
> permissions. They simply can not meet their intended need without
> this. I could hack something up but instead I am using the per-object-
> permissions branch of django. Because I also want to keep up to date
> with the current trunk of django as well because it has features and
> bug fixes I want to use I have been maintaining a check-out of the per-
> object-permissions branch with the changes merged in from the trunk.
> All is going well so far. I am uncovering some somewhat painful use
> cases (eg: an object that a user has 'view' permission on, and when
> getting a list of those objects they do not get objects in that list
> which they lack 'view' permission on) but in general no problems.
> Now the fun part, I am encountering some bugs or not fully implemented
> or thought out parts of the per-object-permissions branch. Sometimes
> the fix is fairly easy (catching exceptions and doing intelligent
> things with them), but sometimes I have to figure out how I want to
> handle a certain case. My current problem is having a way to assign
> permissions to "anonymous" users (ie: is_anonymous is true,
> is_authenticated is false) because certain areas of my apps are open
> to anonymous users.) Now I have ideas on ways to solve this (if you
> use per-object permissions, for example, a group called
> "system:everyone" maybe created that anonymous users are implicitly a
> member of, etc.)
> However, I am wondering how to track these changes and perhaps get
> input on them from other people who may be using, or interested in,
> per-object-permissions. Also, right now, I basically have several
> checkouts of the branch on different machines and I need to keep them
> sync'd. My next step is probably to setup a local repository which I
> maintain my work in, and merge in from the per-object-permissions
> branch as well as the trunk.
> Any one else working with these branch and interested in the results
> of my attempts to keep it up to date with the mainline, as well as
> some potential fixes?

I'm definitely interested in the results. Why don't you apply to get
check-in permissions on the per-object-permissions branch? That way it
can be accessible to the whole django community. Contact Jacob
Kaplan-Moss to get an account.


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