Ok, I got it, sorry for the not-very-intelligent question.

On 17 mar, 19:35, "Grupo Django" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok, I knew that, but I don't know how to check the value of a var
> while running the app.
> Thank you anyway.
> On 17 mar, 19:04, "Karen Tracey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 3/17/07, Grupo Django <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hello, does someone know how can I configure eclipse with pydev
> > > installed to debug django apps.
> > > I just need to watch some variables, dictionaries...
> > > Thank you.
> > I'm not sure what you're asking for exactly.  Assuming you have eclipse with
> > pydev installed, you create a debug/run configuration with your djago app's
> > manage.py as the "Main module", make sure django is in the Python path, and
> > specify "runserver 8000 --noreload" as program arguments (assuming you want
> > to listen on port 8000).  --noreload makes the development server run the
> > code in the current process, so the debugger can activate at breakpoints you
> > set (but it also means you have to manually re-load the program when you
> > make code changes).  This, at least, is what works for me.
> > Cheers,
> > Karen

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