I now sort of do what you proposed. I override the init. But for the
attributes that I want to keep track of I create create a property.
Then it's a matter of counting how often it has been accessed. Now I
just need inherit from both Model and DateTimeFieldHelper :)

_magic_dt_create_counter = {}
class DateTimeFieldHelper(object):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        global _magic_dt_create_counter
        #print "init me!"
        self._magic_dt_fields = {}
        super(DateTimeFieldHelper, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        c = str(self.__class__)
        if c not in _magic_dt_create_counter:
            #print "Enhanceing %s", c
            _magic_dt_create_counter[c] = 1
            opts = self._meta
            for f in opts.fields:
                if isinstance(f, DateTimeField):
                    exec "DateTimeFieldHelper.%s =
property(partial(_get_magic_dt_field, dt_field=f.attname),
partial(_set_magic_dt_field, dt_field=f.attname))" % f.attname

        # when supplied via kwargs, set to 1..
        opts = self._meta
        for f in opts.fields:
            if isinstance(f, DateTimeField):
                if f.attname in kwargs:
                    self._magic_dt_fields[f.attname] =
(kwargs[f.attname] ,1)

def _get_magic_dt_field(self, dt_field):
    #print "get field: %s" %dt_field
    return self._magic_dt_fields[dt_field][0] if dt_field in
self._magic_dt_fields else None

def _set_magic_dt_field(self, val, *args, **kwargs):
    dt_field = kwargs["dt_field"]
    #print "set field: %s" %dt_field
    if dt_field in self._magic_dt_fields:
        count = self._magic_dt_fields[dt_field][1] + 1
        #print "%s has been set %s times now to %s" %
        count = 0
    self._magic_dt_fields[dt_field] = [val , count]

This is my new DateTimeField:

class DateTimeField(DateTimeField):
    def __init__(self, verbose_name=None, name=None, auto_now=False,
auto_now_add=False, auto_override=False, **kwargs):
        self.auto_now, self.auto_now_add, self.auto_override =
auto_now, auto_now_add, auto_override
        if (auto_now or auto_now_add) and not auto_override:
            kwargs['editable'] = False
            kwargs['blank'] = True
        Field.__init__(self, verbose_name, name, **kwargs)

    def pre_save(self, model_instance, add):
        if (not self.auto_override) and (self.auto_now or
(self.auto_now_add and add)):
            value = datetime.datetime.now()
        elif self.auto_override and (self.auto_now):
            # somehow set currenttime if no time has explicitly been
            # the somehow has been solved... be scared, very
            if self.attname in model_instance._magic_dt_fields and
model_instance._magic_dt_fields[self.attname][1] >= 1:
                # value has been explicitly set
                #print "Value for %s has been set %s time" %
(self.attname, model_instance._magic_dt_fields[self.attname][1])
                value = super(DateField,
self).pre_save(model_instance, add)
                # no value is set, use now
                value = datetime.datetime.now()
            value = super(DateField, self).pre_save(model_instance,
        setattr(model_instance, self.attname, value)
        return value

It all is very hackish, simply forcing myself to set the correct date
on an update would have been simpler :)

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