I just got my first django app up: http://brackets.bracketboy.net/ Not
very impressive, but I'm still excited about it. anyway . . .

I'm having trouble accesing a method through the admin interface as
part of a choices list. It seems to work fine throughout the site and
the admin interface, but not in choices selection. In the choices I
get <properties object at XXXXX>.  Any ideas?

Some of the relevant code:

  def _get_team_2(self):
      if self.round == 1 :

        prev_game =   Game.objects.get( id = self.id ).prev_game_2_id
        prev_winner = Game.objects.get( id = prev_game ).winner.id
        return        Team.objects.get( id = prev_winner ).name

  team_2 = property( _get_team_2)

  winner = models.IntegerField(choices=((team_1.id, team_1),
(team_2.id, team_2),),)

(Since the winner field is just storing id's, I had initlaly hoped to
do it with a foreign key and limit_choices_to, but I wasn't able to
even get that close. But that's a question for another day, unless
somebody has the answer)

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