Hi Filipe,

Tried to post a reply earlier but managed to screw it up.  If that
never makes it, here it is again...

To configure PyScripter to debug Django interactively:

1)  Install a version of PyScripter that supports remote debugging
(I'm using
2)  Select "Run->Python Engine->Remote"
3)  Set "Run->Command Line Parameters" to "runserver --noreload"

Then when you are ready to debug, do the following
4)  Open "manage.py" from you Django project (make sure its the active
5)  Select "Run->Debug" (don't forget to set a break point)
6)  Hit your app from a browser

It should stop at your breakpoint (assuming you set one on code that
was actually executed).  Now you should be able to step through the
code, view variables, set watches, etc.

Only drawback is that you can't "stop" it gracefully other than to
reinit the engine.  (let me know if you figure that part out)


On Jan 22, 5:25 pm, "Filipe Correia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Check this 
> thread:http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/browse_frm/thread/a9ed968...
> I haven't found better ways to debug since then. I find the simplest
> way for me has been to use print statements along with the built-in
> webserver. I'm still looking forward the next version ofpyscripter
> though, which will apparently be able to debug django apps as it will
> include a new remote debugging 
> feature:http://groups.google.com/group/PyScripter/browse_frm/thread/c63606868...
> HTH,
> Filipe Correia

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