> In my models I use DateField quite a few times, is there any
> way I can adjust it so it stores information in the database
> as dd/mm/yy and retrieves/handles it in this way too rather
> then its current yyyy-mm- dd format?

I'm not sure this question makes a whole lot of sense without
some clarification...dates should be handled transparently as
date objects all over the place.  They have year/month/day
properties that can be accessed, and timedelta objects can be
added or subtracted from them.  They have no inherent "format"
other than a tuple of values (or as a *nix timestamp or what have

The only time the format of a date should come into question is
on actually presenting it to the user (and when reading it from
the user).  For presenting the date, there's the "date" filter
which allows you to format the date in all sorts of ways:

        {{ mydatefield|date:"d-m-Y" }}

Reading back the date, one reason for the YYYY-MM-DD format is
that it's internationally unambiguous.  If you get a date in the
format 1-2-2006, should that be interpreted as Feb 1st or as Jan
2nd?  It depends on where you are.  Clearly if one of the first
two fields is > 12, you have a definite answer.  But when both
are 1<=N<=12  you have an ambiguity that's better to ensure that
the person entering data means what the program interprets.  If
you must allow your data-entry folks to use d/m/y you may be able
to employ the time.strptime() function to extract what you want.
 Just be prepared to get folks entering m/d/y instead of d/m/y


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