On 2/26/07, James Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For a while now I've been annoyed with the fact that, while it's
> relatively easy to build and advertise a complete Django application,
> it's relatively hard to advertise smaller pieces of useful code; there
> are tons of things in the "Cookbook" section of the wiki and on
> people's blogs, but it's almost impossible to keep track of them all.
> Hopefully, that will soon fade into memories of "that's what it was
> like in the old days", because today I've launched djangosnippets.org,
> a site whose sole purpose is to make it easy to post and share useful
> bits of Django-related code.
> I "soft" launched this earlier today by telling people at PyCon about
> it, so we've got a little bit of content in there now, but if you've
> ever done some cool little trick that made your life easier, I hope
> you'll come by, sign up for an account and post it for all to see, and
> help the site fill out :)
> http://www.djangosnippets.org/
> (and, of course, the code behind the site is all available under an
> open-source license; see the "about" page for instructions on how to
> get it).
Great! I like it. And the site is beautiful.

I like python!
UliPad <<The Python Editor>>: http://wiki.woodpecker.org.cn/moin/UliPad
My Blog: http://www.donews.net/limodou

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