No reason at all. In fact, I'd encourage the apps to be listed on  
Cheeseshop. But I think the real value would be the conventions for  
making sure the apps "jam well together".


On 16/02/2007, at 12:14 AM, Nathan R. Yergler wrote:

> Is there a reason *not* to use the Cheeseshop, and utilize the
> metadata framework it provides?  For example, Zope Corp publishes
> Zope-specific pieces there and marks them as "Framework:Zope" (or
> something like that... don't recall exactly).  This makes the packages
> available to setuptools enabled tools.
> Nathan
> On 2/15/07, James Tauber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On 15/02/2007, at 8:48 PM, James Bennett wrote:
>>> On 2/15/07, James Tauber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Has anyone give much thought to building a "Cheeseshop" for  
>>>> reusable
>>>> Django apps?
>>> A couple people have tried to start sourceforge-esque sites for
>>> hosting Django apps, but so far none of them have taken off.
>> I wasn't thinking of hosting the development - I agree Google Code
>> Project Hosting is perfect for that.
>>> Personally, I've just been using Google Code to set up SVN repos  
>>> for a
>>> couple things I'm working on, but if there were such a site I'd list
>>> apps there as I finish them.
>> Great - you're one of the people I was hoping would contribute apps!
>>> If someone wants to do it for real, I'd be more than happy to  
>>> pitch in
>>> and contribute code for a system to track apps, categories,  
>>> versions,
>>> etc...
>> That would be great. In fact, it would be nice if many of the
>> component apps of the site were themselves available on the site for
>> building other software component catalog sites.
>> What do you think of the idea of having (optional) conventions for
>> improving the ability of apps to work together?
>> James
> >

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