I completely stuck with displaying media files - 'ImageField' in my html. 
Static files are displayed ok. I've read the 'whole internet' that topic 
and still nothing. I'm working on mac OS Sonoma, Django 5.1.3, Python 3.11.

My Html:
<img class="fit-picturePr" src="{{miod.miody_foto.url}}">

My model:
miody_foto = models.ImageField(upload_to = 'miody_foto', blank=True, null=
True, default='miody_foto/spadz.jpg')

def miody(request):

mymiody = Miody.objects.all().values()

template = loader.get_template('Produkty/miody.html')

context = {

'mymiody': mymiody,


return HttpResponse(template.render(context, request))

Projects url:

urlpatterns = [

path('', include('Pasieka.urls')),

path('', include('Galeria.urls')),

path('', include('Produkty.urls')),

path('admin/', admin.site.urls),


if settings.DEBUG: 

urlpatterns += static(settings.MEDIA_URL,



urlpatterns = [

path('Produkty/miody/', views.miody, name='miody'),

path('miody/', views.miody, name='miody'),


Additionally, files are displaying properly in my admin:

class MiodyAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):

def image_tag(self, obj):

return format_html('<img src="{}" style="max-width:200px; 
max-height:200px"/>'.format(obj.miody_foto.url)) # wyswietlane zdj miodu

image_tag.short_description = 'miody_foto'

list_display = ("rodzaj", "opis", "miody_foto", 'image_tag',)# 
'miody_foto.url', 'miody_foto.height', 'miody_foto.name',)

admin.site.register(Miody, MiodyAdmin)#, ImageAdmin)

Any help would be priceless.

helpless Ewa

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