In Django, when using `TestCase` for testing views, CSRF tokens are indeed
not necessary since the test client does not enforce CSRF protection.
However, if you're testing forms directly (like a `ModelForm`), you
generally don’t need to provide a CSRF token either, as the form itself
does not directly interact with the CSRF protection mechanism when
instantiated in tests.

When you pass a dictionary to a `ModelForm`, you’re typically dealing with
form validation. If your form is instantiated with data that’s invalid, it
won’t affect CSRF tokens, as they come into play mainly with POST requests
in views.

So, you can test your form validation without worrying about CSRF tokens.
Please make sure that the data you pass in simulates the conditions you
want to test!

On Mon, Sep 23, 2024 at 5:38 PM Gabriel Soler <> wrote:

> Hi Ranga, thanks for the response,
> My test log is quite simple; it is not true the form is valid, and there
> is a little change in the session to mark it when my function did not
> change.
> As I am using TestCase I understand that the CSRF tokens are unnecessary.
> Would passing the dictionary to the modelForm need a CSRF token too?
> """
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File
> "/Users/gsole/Documents/Web-Work/between/between_app/",
> line 78, in test_login_after_test
>     self.assertEqual(self.client.session['linked'],"true")
> AssertionError: 'false' != 'true'
> - false
> + true
> ======================================================================
> FAIL: test_login_form_is_valid
> (between_app.test_login_integration.ProfileLinkUserAutenticate.test_login_form_is_valid)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File
> "/Users/gsole/Documents/Web-Work/between/between_app/",
> line 67, in test_login_form_is_valid
>     self.assertTrue(login_valid.is_valid())
> AssertionError: False is not true
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> """
> On Monday 23 September 2024 at 12:36:37 UTC+1 RANGA BHARATH JINKA wrote:
>> what's the error you are getting in the logs ?
>> In Django, while writing tests for forms that require CSRF token
>> validation (for instance, in Test-Driven Development or TDD), you can
>> bypass the CSRF validation or simulate the behavior of submitting a valid
>> CSRF token.
>> Here's how you can handle CSRF tokens in your Django tests:
>> ### 1. **Bypassing CSRF Validation in Tests**
>> Django’s test client automatically ignores CSRF checks when running
>> tests. This means that when you use Django's `Client` in your tests, you
>> don’t need to worry about CSRF tokens. You can directly submit forms
>> without providing a CSRF token.
>> #### Example:
>> ```python
>> from django.test import TestCase
>> from django.urls import reverse
>> class MyFormTest(TestCase):
>>     def test_form_submission(self):
>>         url = reverse('my_form_url')
>>         form_data = {
>>             'field1': 'value1',
>>             'field2': 'value2',
>>         }
>>         response =, form_data)
>>         self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
>> ```
>> In this example, Django automatically bypasses the CSRF check when the
>> form is submitted via the ``.
>> ### 2. **Simulating CSRF Token (If Required for Specific Use Case)**
>> If, for some reason, you want to simulate the behavior of CSRF protection
>> in tests, you can manually add the CSRF token to your form data. To do
>> this, retrieve the CSRF token from the response context and include it in
>> the form submission.
>> #### Example:
>> ```python
>> from django.test import TestCase
>> from django.urls import reverse
>> class MyFormTest(TestCase):
>>     def test_form_submission_with_csrf(self):
>>         # Retrieve the form page to get the CSRF token
>>         url = reverse('my_form_url')
>>         response = self.client.get(url)
>>         csrf_token = response.cookies['csrftoken'].value
>>         form_data = {
>>             'csrfmiddlewaretoken': csrf_token,
>>             'field1': 'value1',
>>             'field2': 'value2',
>>         }
>>         response =, form_data)
>>         self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
>> ```
>> ### 3. **Custom CSRF Token Checking (Optional)**
>> If you are writing custom views or custom middleware that depends on CSRF
>> tokens, you might want to ensure that CSRF tokens are handled in tests.
>> This typically isn't necessary with Django’s built-in forms and views, but
>> it could be useful if you have custom security logic.
>> ### Conclusion
>> For most scenarios in Django TDD, you don’t need to pass the CSRF token
>> in tests since Django’s test client ignores CSRF by default. However, if
>> you do need to simulate it, you can explicitly add the CSRF token from the
>> response context to your form submission.
>> On Mon, Sep 23, 2024 at 5:02 PM RANGA BHARATH JINKA <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I think you have to pass csrf token while submitting the form in django.
>>> Try passing csrf token.
>>> On Mon, Sep 23, 2024 at 4:34 PM Gabriel Soler <> wrote:
>>>> Sorry, I did not add the code before. This is how I have my tests set
>>>> up at the moment. I cannot pass the 'form is valid' step.
>>>> from django.test import TestCase,Client
>>>> from django.urls import reverse, reverse_lazy
>>>> from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
>>>> from .forms import StyleForm
>>>> from allauth.account.forms import LoginForm
>>>> from django.test.utils import override_settings
>>>> from allauth.account import app_settings
>>>> class ProfileLinkUserAutenticate(TestCase):
>>>> """to test if the open profile test saves after login and signup """
>>>> fixtures = ['between_app/fixtures/PersonalStyleGroup.yaml',
>>>> 'between_app/fixtures/PersonalStyleSection.yaml'
>>>> ]
>>>> def setup(self):
>>>> self.client = Client() #to explore templates in request
>>>> @classmethod
>>>> def setUpTestData(cls):
>>>> cls.login_data = {'password':'test123%%HH','remember':'t',
>>>> 'username':'usertest'}
>>>> cls.user = get_user_model().objects.create_user(
>>>> username = 'usertest',
>>>> email = '',
>>>> password = 'test123%%HH',
>>>> )
>>>> = {
>>>> 'follower_1':90,
>>>> 'propositive_1':2,
>>>> 'challenger_1':6,
>>>> 'acceptant_1':10,
>>>> 'intensive_1':20,
>>>> 'extensive_1':6,
>>>> 'divider_1':3,
>>>> 'containment_1':30,
>>>> 'becoming_1':1,
>>>> 'development_1':60,
>>>> 'individuation_1':10,
>>>> 'belonging_1':3,
>>>> }
>>>> def test_client_login(self):
>>>> self.client.login(
>>>> username = 'usertest',
>>>> email = '',
>>>> password = 'test123',
>>>> )
>>>> self.assertTrue(self.user.is_authenticated)
>>>> self.client.logout()
>>>> def test_form_valid(self):
>>>> form_invalid = StyleForm(data={"name": "Computer", "price": 400.1234})
>>>> self.assertFalse(form_invalid.is_valid())
>>>> form_valid = StyleForm(
>>>> self.assertTrue(form_valid.is_valid())
>>>> def test_post_form(self):
>>>> response ='/profile_test/',, follow=True)
>>>> self.assertEqual(self.client.session['linked'],"false")
>>>> self.assertContains(response,"Compassionate")
>>>> def test_login_form_is_valid(self):
>>>> login_valid = LoginForm(data=self.login_data)
>>>> self.assertTrue(login_valid.is_valid())
>>>> def test_login_after_test(self):
>>>> self.client.logout()
>>>> response ='/profile_test/',, follow=True)
>>>> self.assertEqual(self.client.session['linked'],"false")
>>>> response ='account_login'),data=self.
>>>> login_data)
>>>> #self.assertRedirects(response=response,expected_url='/')
>>>> #self.client.login(username='usertest',password='test123')
>>>> response = self.client.get('')
>>>> #self.assertContains(response,"Welcome back")
>>>> self.assertEqual(self.client.session['linked'],"true")
>>>> #self.assertContains(response,"Welcome back")
>>>> On Saturday 21 September 2024 at 21:08:39 UTC+1 Gabriel Soler wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> Thanks for reading. I am at a stage where I am needing to do my
>>>>> testing, and its is hard!
>>>>> I managed to add a function after sign up and log in, using the
>>>>> signals of allauth. As I am trying to add my tests as I work, I have added
>>>>> a little change to the Session, to mark if my functions have don what they
>>>>> should, and I also would like to test if actually is doing the thing.
>>>>> Now, when I try with the unit tests to send a dictionary with the
>>>>> login I am not being able to do a form that is valid for allauth. Can
>>>>> somebody help we figuring out how to test this? Or some wisdom about
>>>>> testing? (My function is working, but I am learning about testing, and 
>>>>> test
>>>>> driven development, and I came to it because I have been fearing to do
>>>>> changes and then create unknown bugs, so it is time!)
>>>>> Gabriel
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>>> --
>>> Thanks and Regards
>>> J. Ranga Bharath
>>> cell: 9110334114
>> --
>> Thanks and Regards
>> J. Ranga Bharath
>> cell: 9110334114
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Thanks and Regards

J. Ranga Bharath
cell: 9110334114

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