Thanks Faisal, I really appreciate it.
If I have any other questions, I will ask you then.
Thanks again mate :) :)

Tawfeeq Zaghlool

IoT Full Stack Developer || Project Manager & Youth Leader

+962 77 8891479


<>  <>

On Wed, May 29, 2024 at 2:35 PM Faisal Mahmood <>

> I'd be glad to craft a solution that addresses the issues you've outlined:
> Solutions:
> 1. Cancel Button Redirect Issue:
>    - Problem: The cancel button in the popup redirects to items/ instead
>    of items/user_id.
>    - Solution:
>       - Pass user_id in the form: Modify your form in the popup to
>       include a hidden field containing the user_id retrieved from the
>       session. This ensures the user_id persists even after form
>       submission.
>       - Access user_id in the view: In the view handling the cancel
>       button form submission, access the user_id from the form data
>       (hidden field) or the session.
>       - Redirect with user_id: Use the retrieved user_id to construct the
>       correct redirect URL (items/user_id) and redirect the user there.
> Code Example (assuming a Django form):
> from django.shortcuts import redirect def handle_form_submission(request):
> if request.method == 'POST': form = YourForm(request.POST) if
> form.is_valid(): # Handle order submission logic (if applicable) if
> 'cancel' in request.POST: # Check for cancel button submission user_id =
> request.POST.get('user_id') # Get user_id from hidden field return
> redirect('items/{}'.format(user_id)) # Redirect with user_id # ... handle
> submit logic return render(request, 'your_template.html', {'form': form})
> 2. Back Button Redirect Issue:
>    - Problem: Clicking the browser's back button after sending the
>    message redirects to the popup instead of items/user_id.
>    - Solution:
>       - Server-Side Session Flag: Set a session flag (order_submitted or
>       similar) after successfully sending the message.
>       - Check Session Flag in View: In the view handling the request
>       after clicking back, check for the presence of the session flag.
>       - Conditional Redirect: If the flag is present, redirect to
>       items/user_id. Otherwise, display the normal page content.
> Code Example:
> from django.shortcuts import render, redirect def after_message_view(
> request): if request.session.get('order_submitted'): del request.session[
> 'order_submitted'] # Remove flag to avoid confusion later return redirect(
> 'items/{}'.format(request.session.get('user_id'))) # ... display normal
> page content return render(request, 'your_template.html')
> Additional Considerations:
>    - Messenger Chat Page: Consider using Django's built-in URL reverse
>    functionality (reverse('messenger_chat_page')) to construct the URL
>    for the chat page.
>    - Error Handling: Implement robust error handling in both views to
>    gracefully handle potential issues like missing session data or invalid
>    form submissions.
>    - Frontend UX: You might want to provide a more user-friendly
>    experience by disabling the browser's back button or displaying a
>    confirmation message when the user attempts to navigate back using the
>    button.
> By implementing these solutions and considerations, you should be able to
> achieve the desired behavior for your Django application, ensuring that
> the cancel button and back button both redirect the user to the
> items/user_id URL as expected.
> don't hesitate to ask further info.
> On Monday, May 27, 2024 at 7:14:04 PM UTC+5 Tawfeeq Zaghlool wrote:
>> Hello Djangooos:
>> I am building a simple Django application, that shows products in
>> items/employee_id url, the customer opens the link and start selecting the
>> items by clicking on them, then an action button appears to prepare for
>> submission to display a modal asking the customer to enter his data name,
>> phone number location and email, then the customer either clicks on submit
>> the order or cancel, if he clicks on submit the order button it will
>> redirect to messenger chat page with order details where he can send the
>> order which he selects, this popup window (handle_form_submission) asks the
>> customer to either send the message or cancel sending, send the message
>> button will open the Chat Page on The Agent chat page with a copy of the
>> Order details and wait for the customer to send the order, the cancel will
>> redirect the customer to the items/user_id url the same where he starts, if
>> the user clicks on send the order, and then clicks on a back button from
>> the browser it should redirect him also to the items/user_id url where he
>> starts, to start a new order or close the page.
>> I have two issues as follows:
>> 1- Cancel button in the popup redirect message doesn't redirect to the
>> items/user_id url link, it redirects to the items/
>> 2- After Sending the message, if clicks the back button on the browser it
>> will take to the previous step which is the popup message, this back button
>> should redirect to the items/user_id
>> The order cycle is as follows:
>> Selection > Prepare for submission > Submit the order > Send the message.
>> I use session in Django project to store the user_id.
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