Good evening everyone, I need help in my personal project to create an 
agricultural and livestock marketplace and an agricultural and livestock 
social network as a whole.Longer explanation:Farmers and ranchers leave 
their products in our logistics centers and we publish on the web the 
products they have brought us, then the customer orders the products with a 
minimum purchase value to make it profitable and I take care of the 
storage, packaging and shipping to customers. That is the part of getting 
the products to the customer. In addition, we also have the part where the 
producers can talk about the whole process behind it, the tasks they 
perform daily, anecdotes and they can do it in video format apart from the 
message if they wish. Currently, the project is in its initial phase. I 
have created a detailed backlog and configured the repositories for the 
backend and frontend. Here are the links to the repositories:



In addition, I have created a WhatsApp group for the project where we are 
discussing ideas and coordinating efforts. We currently have backend 
developers and are looking for frontend developers as well, but the more 
developers we have, the better.

However, I am facing a challenge: I have no programming experience. I am 
looking for someone who is willing to collaborate on this project, using 
Python and Django for the backend, and Next.js and React for the frontend.

Please feel free to take a look at the repositories and backlog. Any 
comments, suggestions or contributions will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your time and I look forward to working with you on this 
exciting project!
PS: I've had people say they will collaborate on the project but then they 
don't collaborate on the project, please don't be that kind of person.

Best regards,


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