Hello, When I read the sent arritcles on how to fix "stack too deep error", it help me solving the problem.
but the problem I have now is that : Warning: Contract code size is 34894 bytes and exceeds 24576 bytes (a limit introduced in Spurious Dragon). This contract may not be deployable on Mainnet. Consider enabling the optimizer (with a low "runs" value!), turning off revert strings, or using libraries. --> contracts/funding.sol:7:1: | 7 | contract Funding { | ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines). I try to compile the contrat with Remix optimizer, but it does not solve the problem. I see this ressource about ; https://forum.openzeppelin.com/t/contract-code-size-exceeds-24576-how-can-i-fix-this-errors/37768/14 after applaying the recomende intructions, it reduce the the size but the error continues. Please help me This is the contract // SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED //pragma solidity >=0.8.17; pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.9.0; //pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; contract Funding { //============= ENUMERATIONS ===================== enum TransactionStatus { INIT, IN_PROGRESS, PENDING, CANCELLED, COMPLETED } enum DocumentStatus { PENDING, VALIDATED, REJECTED } enum DocumentType { CARD_ID, CIP, PASSPORT, PERMIS } enum SubscriptionType { UTILISATEUR, ENTREPRENEUR, ASSOCIE, INVESTISSEUR, EMPLOYE } enum CagnotteStatus { IN_PROGRESS, PENDING, CANCELLED, COMPLETED } enum ProjectStep { IDEE, PROTOTYPE, ENTREPRISE, ACTION } enum ServiceType { RETRAIT, RECHARDE, TRANSFERT, DEPOT } enum EntrepreneurType { SIMPLE, ASSOCIE } enum EntrepreneurNiveau { DEBUTANT, INTERMEDIAIRE, EXPERIMENTE } enum RecetteType { DEPENSE, REVENU } enum RecetteCategory { PRODUIT, SERVICE, ABONNEMENT } enum TypeAdresse { RESIDENCE, ORIGINE } // =========== Structs ================ struct Transaction { uint32 sent_amount; uint32 sent_amount_ussd; uint32 deducted_amount; uint32 deducted_amount_ussd; string slug; string motif; string gateway; uint32 amount_with_fees; uint32 network_fees_ussd; uint32 transactions_fees_ussd; string tx_identifier; string project_identifier; address sender; address receiver; } struct Document { bytes32 unique_hash; DocumentType doc_type; string recto_url; string verso_url; DocumentStatus status; uint32 created_timestamp; } struct Adress { string country; string departement ; string township ; string dictrict ; } enum AbonnementType { Entrepreneur, Investisseur, Employe, Juriste, Utilisateur } // event DocumentAdded(bytes32,DocumentType , string); //event FinancialModalAdded(bytes32,string, string,string,string); enum ProjectEvolutionStatus { PENDING, STARTING, COMPLETED, CANCELLED, FALLEN } /* Repetition start*/ struct FinancialModal{ bytes32 unique_hash; string description; string[] income_sources; string rentability_analysis; string evolutivity_strategy; string durability_strategy; string[] partenership ; string modal_file_url; uint32 objective_amount; } // event ProjectCreated(bytes32,string, string); struct BusinessPlan{ bytes32 unique_hash; string[] commercial_objectives; string marketing_strategy; uint32 financial_prevision; string distribution_strategy; uint32 local_average_price; string price_fixation_reason; string[] benefits_means ; uint32 expected_customer_per_year; uint32 income_price; uint32 benefits_marge; uint32 ussd_average_price; string business_file_url; } struct Charge { RecetteCategory category; string libelle ; string reason; uint32 amount; } struct Contrat { string type_adhesion; bytes32 entrepreneur_hash; bytes32 investor_hash; string refund_clauses; uint32 refund_date_delay; uint32 interest_rate; string applicable_low; string investor_rate; string termination_conditions; string major_force_clause; bytes32 competent_juridiction; string contrat_file; string contrat_file_url; bytes32 transaction_hash; } struct Project{ string name; uint32 identifier; bytes32 unique_hash; string description; string problem_to_solve ; string pertinence; ProjectStep step; uint32 production_duration_in_year; uint32 project_duration_in_year; string total_amount; string already_obtained_amount; FinancialModal financialModal; BusinessPlan businessPlan; } // TODO : Ecrire des fonctions qui les retourne uint32 internal projet_count = 0; uint32 internal document_count = 0; uint32 internal transaction_count = 0; uint32 internal user_count = 0; struct UserObject { string name; bytes32 hash; address adress; string surname; uint32 bithday; string email; string birth_place; string phone_number; //string profil_image; Adress origin_adress; Adress actual_adress; AbonnementType abonnement; uint32[] projectIndexes; uint32[] documentIndexes; uint32[] transactionIndexes; } //mapping(address => UserObject) internal Users; mapping(bytes32 => UserObject) private users; mapping(bytes32 => Project[]) private projects; //projects list bytes32[] project_hashes ; mapping(bytes32 => Project[]) private projets; mapping(bytes32 => Document[]) private documents; mapping(bytes32 => Adress[]) private addreses; mapping(bytes32 => Transaction[]) private transactions; mapping(bytes32 => Contrat) private adhesions; // function to calculate the financial modal unique hash function calculate_modal_hash( bytes32 project_id, string memory description, string memory rentability_analysis, uint32 objective_amount ) internal pure returns(bytes32) { return keccak256(abi.encodePacked(project_id, description, rentability_analysis,objective_amount)); } /*------------ Repetition end ------------*/ // function to calculate the unique hash function calculate_project_unique_hash( string memory name, string memory description, string memory idea_source ) internal pure returns(bytes32) { return keccak256(abi.encodePacked(name, description, idea_source)); } /** * function that browse and verify if the project exists **/ function getOrVerifyProject(bytes32 _address, bytes32 project_hash) internal view returns (bool success, Project memory retrievedProject ) { (bool succes, ) = getOrVerifyUser(_address); // We verify if the user exists require(succes, "Not found !"); Project[] memory userProjects = projets[_address]; bool isFound = false; for (uint32 i = 0; i < userProjects.length; i++) { if (userProjects[i].unique_hash == project_hash) { retrievedProject = userProjects[i]; isFound = true; break; } } success = isFound; return (success, retrievedProject); } function addUser(UserObject memory newUser) public { bytes32 uniqueHash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(newUser.hash)); users[uniqueHash] = newUser; user_count++; } function createProject( bytes32 user_address, Project memory project ) public { bytes32 projectHash = calculate_project_unique_hash(project.name, project. description, project.problem_to_solve); (bool projectExists, ) = getOrVerifyProject(user_address, projectHash); require(!projectExists, "Already exists !"); FinancialModal memory newModal = FinancialModal({ unique_hash: calculate_modal_hash(projectHash, project.description, "", 0), description: "", income_sources: new string[](0), rentability_analysis: "", evolutivity_strategy: "", durability_strategy: "", partenership: new string[](0), modal_file_url: "", objective_amount: 0 }); BusinessPlan memory business_plan = BusinessPlan({ unique_hash :0x0, commercial_objectives : new string[](0), marketing_strategy : "", financial_prevision :0, distribution_strategy:"", local_average_price: 0, price_fixation_reason :"", benefits_means : new string[](0), expected_customer_per_year:0, income_price :0, benefits_marge:0, ussd_average_price:0, business_file_url : "" }); projects[user_address].push(Project({ name: project.name, unique_hash: projectHash, identifier : project.identifier, description: project.description, problem_to_solve: project.problem_to_solve, pertinence: project.pertinence, step: project.step, production_duration_in_year : project.production_duration_in_year, project_duration_in_year : project.project_duration_in_year, total_amount: project.total_amount, already_obtained_amount: project.already_obtained_amount, financialModal: newModal, businessPlan : business_plan })); (bool success, ) = getOrVerifyUser(user_address); require(success, "Not found!"); UserObject storage userStorage = users[user_address]; projects[user_address] = projects[user_address]; projet_count++; userStorage.projectIndexes.push(projet_count); project_hashes.push(projectHash); //emit ProjectCreated(projectHash, project.name, "Created successfully!!"); } /** * function that browse and verify if the user exists * it return a tuple that contains a boolean indicatinf the existence et the Userobject if true **/ function getOrVerifyUser(bytes32 _hash) public view returns (bool success, UserObject memory verifiedUser ) { bool isFound = bytes(users[_hash].name).length > 0; if(isFound) { verifiedUser = users[_hash]; success = isFound; } return (success, verifiedUser); } //=========================================== // Add the User Documents function AddDocumentToUser( bytes32 user_hash, Document memory document ) public { bytes32 doc_unique_hash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(document.doc_type, document.recto_url,document.verso_url )); (bool success, ) = getOrVerifyUser(user_hash); require(success, "Not found !"); UserObject storage userStorage = users[user_hash]; documents[user_hash].push(Document({ unique_hash: doc_unique_hash, doc_type : document.doc_type, recto_url :document.recto_url, verso_url : document.verso_url, status : DocumentStatus.VALIDATED, created_timestamp : 0 })); document_count++; userStorage.documentIndexes.push(document_count); // Add doc to user doc } function addAdhesion( Contrat memory adhesion ) public { bytes32 uniqueHash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(adhesion.entrepreneur_hash, adhesion.investor_hash, adhesion.transaction_hash)); // Ajouter l'adhésion au mapping des adhésions adhesions[uniqueHash] = Contrat({ type_adhesion: adhesion.type_adhesion, entrepreneur_hash: adhesion.entrepreneur_hash, investor_hash: adhesion.investor_hash, refund_clauses: adhesion.refund_clauses, refund_date_delay: adhesion.refund_date_delay, interest_rate: adhesion.interest_rate, applicable_low: adhesion.applicable_low, investor_rate: adhesion.investor_rate, termination_conditions: adhesion.termination_conditions, major_force_clause: adhesion.major_force_clause, competent_juridiction: adhesion.competent_juridiction, contrat_file: adhesion.contrat_file, contrat_file_url: adhesion.contrat_file_url, transaction_hash: adhesion.transaction_hash }); } function getAdhesion(bytes32 contrat_hash) public view returns (Contrat memory) { return adhesions[contrat_hash]; } // Add the User Adresse function AddAdressToUser( bytes32 user_hash, Adress memory adress, uint _type ) public { require(_type==0 || _type==1, "Not valid!"); (bool success, ) = getOrVerifyUser(user_hash); require(success, "Not found!"); UserObject storage userStorage = users[user_hash]; if (_type==0) { userStorage.actual_adress = Adress({ country: adress.country, departement :adress.departement, township :adress.township, dictrict : adress.dictrict }); } else { userStorage.origin_adress = Adress({ country: adress.country, departement :adress.departement, township :adress.township, dictrict : adress.dictrict }); } } function setUserAbonnementType(bytes32 hash, AbonnementType _abonnement) public { (bool success, ) = getOrVerifyUser(hash); require(success, "Not found!"); UserObject storage userStorage = users[hash]; userStorage.abonnement = _abonnement; } // Add the Transaction Documents function CreateUserTransaction( bytes32 user_hash, Transaction memory transaction ) public { (bool success,) = getOrVerifyUser(user_hash); require(success, "Not found!"); transactions[user_hash].push(Transaction({ sent_amount: transaction.sent_amount, sent_amount_ussd: transaction.sent_amount_ussd, deducted_amount: transaction.deducted_amount, deducted_amount_ussd: transaction.deducted_amount_ussd, slug: transaction.slug, motif: transaction.motif, gateway: transaction.gateway, amount_with_fees: transaction.amount_with_fees, network_fees_ussd: transaction.network_fees_ussd, transactions_fees_ussd: transaction.transactions_fees_ussd, tx_identifier: transaction.tx_identifier, project_identifier: transaction.project_identifier, sender: transaction.sender, receiver: transaction.receiver })); } function getUserDocuments(bytes32 userHash) public view returns (Document[] memory) { (bool success,) = getOrVerifyUser(userHash); require(success, "Not found !"); Document[] memory userDocuments = documents[userHash]; return userDocuments; } function getUserTransactions(bytes32 userHash) public view returns ( Transaction[] memory) { (bool success,) = getOrVerifyUser(userHash); require(success, "Not found!"); Transaction[] memory userTransactions = transactions[userHash]; return userTransactions; } function getUserProjects(bytes32 userHash) public view returns (Project[] memory) { (bool success,) = getOrVerifyUser(userHash); require(success, "Not found!"); Project[] memory userProjects = projects[userHash]; return userProjects; } function getAllUsers(bytes32 user_hash) public view returns (UserObject memory) { (bool success,) = getOrVerifyUser(user_hash); require(success, "Not found !"); return users[user_hash]; } function getUserSpecificProject(bytes32 userHash, uint32 projectId) public view returns (Project memory) { (bool success,) = getOrVerifyUser(userHash); require(success, "Not found !"); return projects[userHash][projectId]; } function setProductionDuration(bytes32 userHash, uint32 projectId, uint32 _duration) public { projects[userHash][projectId].production_duration_in_year = _duration; } function setProjectDuration(bytes32 userHash, uint32 projectId, uint32 _duration) public { projects[userHash][projectId].project_duration_in_year = _duration; } function setProjectStep(bytes32 userHash, uint32 projectId, ProjectStep _step) public { projects[userHash][projectId].step = _step; } function addIncomeSourceToModel(bytes32 userHash, uint32 projectId, string memory _source) public { projects[userHash][projectId].financialModal.income_sources.push(_source); } function addIncomePartnerShipToMOdal(bytes32 userHash, uint32 projectId, string memory _partner) public { projects[userHash][projectId].financialModal.partenership.push(_partner); } function AddFinancialModal( bytes32 userHash, uint32 projectId, FinancialModal memory fiancial_model ) public { // bytes32 uniqueHash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(userHash, projectId, fiancial_model.objective_amount)); projects[userHash][projectId].financialModal = FinancialModal({ unique_hash: fiancial_model.unique_hash, description: fiancial_model.description, income_sources: fiancial_model.income_sources, rentability_analysis: fiancial_model.rentability_analysis, evolutivity_strategy: fiancial_model.evolutivity_strategy, durability_strategy:fiancial_model.durability_strategy, partenership: fiancial_model.partenership, modal_file_url: fiancial_model.modal_file_url, objective_amount: fiancial_model.objective_amount }); } } Le mar. 5 mars 2024 à 20:03, Yao Marius SODOKIN <yaomariussodo...@gmail.com> a écrit : > OK thanks you. I will check it > > Le mar. 5 mars 2024 à 19:57, kolapo goodness <goodnesskol...@gmail.com> a > écrit : > >> here is an article on managing the* *stack too deep* *error >> https://soliditydeveloper.com/stacktoodeep >> >> here is also a stackexchange conversation related to it >> >> https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/questions/19587/how-to-fix-stack-too-deep-error >> >> On Tue, Mar 5, 2024 at 6:22 PM Yao Marius SODOKIN < >> yaomariussodo...@gmail.com> wrote: >> >>> ok thanks you sir, >>> As far as storage variables concerned, I want create many instances of a >>> contrat in my web API, then I use Structs for most of variables, That why I >>> use really locals variables in my functions. if you have resources on it, >>> you recommend to me >>> >>> Le mar. 5 mars 2024 à 18:08, kolapo goodness <goodnesskol...@gmail.com> >>> a écrit : >>> >>>> evm (ethereum virtual machine) uses the stack data structure and the >>>> depth is 1024 so if you get a stack too deep error you should check your >>>> solidity code and can also implement some slot packing techniques. the main >>>> issue comes from one or more of your functions where you're using a lot of >>>> variables if you can reduce it by loading directly from storage instead of >>>> local variables that can also solve the problem >>>> >>>> On Mon, Mar 4, 2024 at 11:46 PM Yao Marius SODOKIN < >>>> yaomariussodo...@gmail.com> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Hello dear all, >>>>> I am developing a decentralized application; >>>>> >>>>> It implements smart contracts with solidity. each object represents a >>>>> smart contract. So I wrote the Transaction, Project, User contracts. I >>>>> want >>>>> to deploy these contracts to a single address; and interact with them from >>>>> my REST API developed in Django Rest Framework, using the web3.py library >>>>> >>>>> The problem I have is: >>>>> 1-I wrote the code of the three contracts in a single contract, this >>>>> contract is heavy and cannot be compiled >>>>> 2- I finally wrote the contracts differently, deployed them to >>>>> different addresses, and from another contract I want to interact with >>>>> these contracts. This allows me to interact with a single contract from my >>>>> API in order to call on others. The size of this contract is also too much >>>>> and cannot be compiled. >>>>> here is the error message: >>>>> >>>>> CompilerError: Stack too deep. Try compiling with `--via-ir` (cli) or >>>>> the equivalent `viaIR: true` (standard JSON) while enabling the optimizer. >>>>> Otherwise, try removing local variables. When compiling inline assembly: >>>>> Variable headStart is 1 slot(s) too deep inside the stack. Stack too deep. >>>>> Try compiling with `--via-ir` (cli) or the equivalent `viaIR: true` >>>>> (standard JSON) while enabling the optimizer. Otherwise, try removing >>>>> local >>>>> variables. >>>>> >>>>> How to do ? or what alternative or means used? The objective is to >>>>> interact with smart contracts deployed from my API in Django Rest >>>>> Framework >>>>> >>>>> Thanks >>>>> >>>>> -- >>>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google >>>>> Groups "Django users" group. >>>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send >>>>> an email to django-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. >>>>> To view this discussion on the web visit >>>>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/django-users/CACiPtiLzQnM9nH%3DiCYaggX4yM9i2kv2-i1dByZGwvDmE1RbkZw%40mail.gmail.com >>>>> <https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/django-users/CACiPtiLzQnM9nH%3DiCYaggX4yM9i2kv2-i1dByZGwvDmE1RbkZw%40mail.gmail.com?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer> >>>>> . >>>>> >>>> -- >>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google >>>> Groups "Django users" group. >>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send >>>> an email to django-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. >>>> To view this discussion on the web visit >>>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/django-users/CAEtv5e%2B%3Dcksv83F8b_RbgT8kfruGdN%2B6KiLz4JOLyP%3DeMKVVzg%40mail.gmail.com >>>> <https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/django-users/CAEtv5e%2B%3Dcksv83F8b_RbgT8kfruGdN%2B6KiLz4JOLyP%3DeMKVVzg%40mail.gmail.com?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer> >>>> . >>>> >>> -- >>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google >>> Groups "Django users" group. >>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send >>> an email to django-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. >>> To view this discussion on the web visit >>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/django-users/CACiPtiLZFyDEBTGiRmXkDQeM8xf_u_OqavSFwYXSKcg4X0%3DwDw%40mail.gmail.com >>> <https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/django-users/CACiPtiLZFyDEBTGiRmXkDQeM8xf_u_OqavSFwYXSKcg4X0%3DwDw%40mail.gmail.com?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer> >>> . >>> >> -- >> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups >> "Django users" group. >> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an >> email to django-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. >> To view this discussion on the web visit >> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/django-users/CAEtv5eLAv-q-gdXF58Zfu0TBGSzqo2KMHBVh3AKO0n%3DpAqVpHg%40mail.gmail.com >> <https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/django-users/CAEtv5eLAv-q-gdXF58Zfu0TBGSzqo2KMHBVh3AKO0n%3DpAqVpHg%40mail.gmail.com?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer> >> . >> > -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. 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