I am available

On Fri, 30 Jun 2023, 19:45 Asim Sulehria, <de.asimha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am available full time
> On Fri, Jun 30, 2023 at 4:43 PM Carlos Romero Martin <
> carlosromeromartin1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm interested
>> Le jeu. 29 juin 2023 à 23:56, M. Guy Sylvestre <guysylvestre...@gmail.com>
>> a écrit :
>>> Je suis intéressé .
>>> Le mar. 13 juin 2023, 11:30, אורי <u...@speedy.net> a écrit :
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I'm looking for a programmer to hire as a freelancer for Django and
>>>> Python work.
>>>> - Experience with Python and Django
>>>> - Experience with open source
>>>> - Committed to the Django repository on GitHub - an advantage
>>>> - Committed to other open-source projects in Python - an advantage
>>>> - Experience with Stack Overflow -  an advantage
>>>> - BSc or BA in computers or science (math, physics) -  an advantage
>>>> - Knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - an advantage
>>>> - Can issue receipts
>>>> I need about 5 hours per month on average. Some months I might need up
>>>> to 15 hours per month. Some months I might not need anything. The work is
>>>> remote. My project is open source. I can give you a free license to
>>>> PyCharm. My website is at https://en.speedy.net/ and
>>>> https://github.com/speedy-net/speedy-net
>>>> To apply please send one email to jobs+jango-freelan...@speedy.net,
>>>> with your name, your email address, where you live, your experience, how
>>>> many commits you committed to Django, how many commits you committed to
>>>> other open source projects, a link to your profile on LinkedIn, a link to
>>>> your profile on GitHub, a link to your profile on Stack Overflow, your
>>>> diploma if you have any, how much you charge per hour and in which currency
>>>> (I prefer USD or Euro), and if you can issue receipts. If you don't have a
>>>> profile on one of the above websites please mention this too.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Uri Rodberg, Speedy Net.
>>>> אורי
>>>> u...@speedy.net
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