Hello everyone, I'am looking to deploy Django ASGI project in production.

This is the actual setup. Because Daphne is installed into the project 
python manage.py runserver use the asgi.py file instead of wsgi.

Si with this config the project run with asgi on port 8000 and wsgi on port 

Is there any big difference using

daphne -b -p 8000 main.asgi:application

Instead of:
python manage.py runserver


uid             = www-data
gid             = www-data
socket          =

for-readline    = /srv/settings.env
        env     = %(_)
endfor          =

plugin          = python3
chdir           = /var/www/application
module          = main.wsgi:application

virtualenv      = /srv/env
daemonize       = /var/log/uwsgi/uwsgi_worker.log

attach-daemon = sh -c "cd /var/www/application/ ; source 
/srv/env/bin/activate && python manage.py runserver"
attach-daemon = sh -c "cd /var/www/application/ ; source 
/srv/env/bin/activate && python manage.py qcluster"

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